About Freedom
We provide customers with residential apartment and short stay Internet services so we can make life happen! We’re not your typical Internet Service Provider.
Freedom Internet pre-installs Gigabit fibre and Access Points so customers can connect to fibre speed Internet services the same day they move in.
No Calls to make, No waiting, No connection fees, just fast, instant Internet…easy!
Founded in 2010, we grew rapidly throughout New Zealand and Australia with over 500 buildings and 35,000 apartments serviced. Now Freedom Internet New Zealand is focused on New Zealand customers and the New Zealand way of life.
Our job is to connect people. When people are connected, relationships are established, and communities are formed. This gives people a sense of belonging and it improves the quality of their lives by providing them with control and freedom.
We look forward to being your Internet Service Provider.
The Freedom Internet New Zealand Team.
Management Team

James Bayly
James has taken on the role of Chairman of the Freedom Board of Directors due to his extensive background in finance and business management. A career in large telecommunications companies culminated with his role as CFO of gen-i Australasia – a division of Telecom NZ. James plays a large role in the strategy of the company while providing valuable sales support and insights.

Steve McGinn
Chief Executive Officer & Director
Steve brings a wealth of national and international Telco and IT product development, senior business & operations management and sales experience to the Freedom team. As Chief Executive Officer Steve drives the overall strategy and direction of Freedom. Steve uses his technical expertise to also head up our Fixed and Radio Network Operations, Procurement and Service Desk Teams.

Dani Bayly
Chief Financial Officer
Dani is a results driven finance leader with extensive business partnering experience across complex, multi-national environments, delivering value through strategic insight, commercial governance, development of people and business transformation.
Our values are for our customers, building managers and developers as much as they are for us.
They are our guide for how we deliver our apartment internet service, manage our relationships and live up to our promise.

Fuel, catalyst, drive, fun, spontaneity, enterprise and ambition.
Working with energy and enthusiasm.
Motivating each other to do better.
Maintaining a positive state of mind.
Giving it all we have.
Loving what we do.
Feeling that anything is possible.
Recognising that ‘fun’ is cool.
Appreciating each other.

Changing, transforming, improving anything and everything to stay ahead.
Seeing the big picture.
Focusing on the small things.
Adopting an enterprising attitude.
Empowering people to innovate.
Providing support to each other.
Showing individual initiative.
Learning from mistakes.
Demonstrating responsible risk taking.

Responsibility,independence, transparency, openness and honesty.
Doing what we say we’re going to do.
Learning from our mistakes.
Making it right.
Taking individual ownership.
Providing honest feedback to each other.
Move on quickly when we make mistakes.

Act as one, inclusive culture,
common purpose and shared vision.
Recognising differences. Welcoming diversity.
Acknowledging and recognising each other.
Making decisions based on the best interests of the company.
Resolving differences through consultation.
It’s ok to disagree, but support decisions once they are made.
Looking for common ground.
Talking about solutions, not problems.
Having each other’s back.

Honesty, professionalism, truth, trust, just and fair
Every story has two sides.
Sorting issues promptly and fairly.
Respecting the needs of others.
Acting in our clients’ best interests.
Behaving consistently.
Sharing information.
Sticking to company protocols, e.g. timekeeping.
Integrity is not reserved for special occasions.
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